Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Monday, 6 March 2017
evaluation question 4
What have you learnt form your audience feedback?
Our audience feedback helped us understand what worked in the video what did not and as what needed work. This helped us continue to improve the video and bring it to a better standard. The feedbcak also helped us understand what we needed to refill and change in the video. the feedback also helped us stick to a simple storyline as we did not want to overcomplicate it for our audience. Overall the feedback helped us continue to grow and improve the video and helped us gain a new and fresh outlook on it so we could continue working on it.Our audience feedback helped us go and improve the video to make it better and fit the music better. The feedback has helped us develop the video and create a successful video that has fitted with the brief.
Our audience feedback helped us understand what worked in the video what did not and as what needed work. This helped us continue to improve the video and bring it to a better standard. The feedbcak also helped us understand what we needed to refill and change in the video. the feedback also helped us stick to a simple storyline as we did not want to overcomplicate it for our audience. Overall the feedback helped us continue to grow and improve the video and helped us gain a new and fresh outlook on it so we could continue working on it.Our audience feedback helped us go and improve the video to make it better and fit the music better. The feedback has helped us develop the video and create a successful video that has fitted with the brief.
Evaluation question 2
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our music video followed many of the conventions of a stereotypical indie pop music video this was as we watched many videos that ere similar to our own. We tried to focus on avenge the video following thebgenres conventions through things such as narratives, settings and camera shots. Although we mainly followed the conventions of this we did not when it came to the lip-syncing during the video as we did not use this through out the video we only used this during pars of the chorus as we did not want to use lip syncing though out the video. The video has followed a conventional style with its camera shots, settings and costumes and make up. We followed this as we wanted a video which fitted with the indie pop style.
Our music video followed many of the conventions of a stereotypical indie pop music video this was as we watched many videos that ere similar to our own. We tried to focus on avenge the video following thebgenres conventions through things such as narratives, settings and camera shots. Although we mainly followed the conventions of this we did not when it came to the lip-syncing during the video as we did not use this through out the video we only used this during pars of the chorus as we did not want to use lip syncing though out the video. The video has followed a conventional style with its camera shots, settings and costumes and make up. We followed this as we wanted a video which fitted with the indie pop style.
Evaluation question 1
How did you use media technologies in this construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Through the process of creating our music video media technologies have helped us through the process.We used things such as youtube to help us research different things about our chose genre of music and used it to help us gain different insertions for our music video. We used technologies such as photoshop to help me create and edit my digipak and images that i wanted to use for the creation of it. We also used final cut pro to edit and manipulate the music video in to ho we wanted it to look. The internet has played major part in our research as we have used it to improve our video and gain inspirations.
digipak magazine poster
for the magazine advert i decided t use the same theme as the front cover of the digipak to continue the continuity.
Digipak CD's
The CD for the digipaks use blurred images of the artists. We continued with the bright colours that is the theme of the digipak.
Digipak panel
This is one of the side panels for the digipak. i have used a simplistic design and so have used simple image panels on my digipak.
Sunday, 5 March 2017
Problems faced
During the filming process we faced many issues. Some of these included things such as not booking the equipment out or there being no equipment left for us to take which meant on some occasions we had to reschedule certain times of filming. We also had issues such as the camera being shaky in shots we took at different locations this meant we had to refill some shots multiple times to make sure they were perfect. As we were working in a group issues such as if someone was ill or was not in that day this meant we at times had to reorganise some shoots and could not do what we planned on ism occasions.
Digipak front cover final
This is the final front cover of my digipak. I have changed it from the first design i had so that it would fit the audience better and grabs the persons attention more.
i have gone for a very simplistic idea with bright colours which connects with the video itself.
Friday, 24 February 2017
Friday, 17 February 2017
Indie pop conventional shots
Extreme closes up are extremely popular in the genre of indie pop and are frequently used we used this in our video mainly during the choruses.
Establishing shots are also a popular used shot in Indie pop music videos as they help show the meeting and characters of the video
Handheld shots are often used for a memory.
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Music video second cut planning
We shared the second cut of our music video which we had changed slightly but not a great deal as we had struggled to get the locations we needed for some of out shots which meant that we could not update the video as much as we had planned to. We did sort out mild issues during this time such as lip-syncing and cutting shots that were to long
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
Shoot 4
During this shoot we decided to get different angles for the chorus shoots. We decided to get longer shots and to make the chorus seem to be from different perspectives. This could help us change up the video and not make it dull for the audience to watch as we used many different shots to keep the audience engaged and interested during the choruses.
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Digipak front cover

Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Columbia records research
Columbia records is an American record label owned by Song music entertainment a subsidiary of song cooperation of America the united states divisions of the sony corporation. It was founded in 1887 evolving from the American graphophone company. columbia is the oldest surviving brand name in the recorded sound business.
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Editing diary 3
Today we edited together the final part of the video this is the arts that were filmed outside of the school. At "gods own junkyard" this was difficult as we had a lot of footage that we had to sit together. We also made the colours brighter and louder.
Tuesday, 3 January 2017
Music video director research
Jessie Hill
Jesssie hill is a Australian director and fashion designer. Hill was asked to direct her first music video after working in fashion for many years after having her sketches seen by Julia Stone in 2011. Hill directed The broods music video for Free in 2016 and the video was premiered march 31st 2016.
Monday, 2 January 2017
Editing diary 2
Today we began to edit together the chorus part of the footage. This meant we had to not only match up the music with the pace of the shots but we also had to match up the lip syncing to the song. This took us many attempts as we had to make sure we matched it up perfectly.
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Editing process
to edit our video we have used final cut pro. We have used it to cut up different shots and to change and edit the ay in which the different shots were shown in the video. We used things such as colour grading to make the colours darker and brighter at different parts in the video. We also used it to edit together different shots and to change and manipulate the way the fit together. We did this by using different transitins such as fades and dissolves to cut and bring the shots together. We also tried to match together the pace of the song together with the video that we have created.
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